
Five Actions that Help Children Stay Faithful

Parents, Five Actions that Help Children Stay Faithful

The 25% of Kids Who Stay One of the main statistics I share through Stand Firm Parents is that over 70% of children raised in church leave church and often the faith. It’s a stat I first ran across in 2001 from Lifeway Research and one that has remained high. This week I had a […]

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Parents, Build Your Ark

Parents, Build the Ark

Noah’s Ark God told Noah to build an ark. Even though it hadn’t rained, nor had it flooded, God instructed Noah build this ark thing. Contrary to what we assume, the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly how long before the flood Noah began the work. Genesis 6 gives a timeframe of 120 years, but it

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Parents, There’s a Real Magic Kingdom

Parents, There’s a Real Magic Kingdom I’m convinced one of the leading reasons to children raised in church and Christian homes leaving the faith is that we’ve not told them the ending of this age. We’ve presented Heaven and the age to come in a way that doesn’t even appeal to them, it’s just better

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There’s a Real Magic Kingdom

Parents, There’s a Real Magic Kingdom

I’m convinced one of the leading reasons for children raised in church and Christian homes leaving the faith is that we’ve not told them the ending of this age. We’ve presented Heaven and the age to come in a way that doesn’t even appeal to them, it’s just better than the alternative. That’s an absolute

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How do you follow Jesus?

Parents, How Do You Follow Jesus?

I can’t believe I’m nearing my 20th episode of my “new” Stand Firm Parents Podcast. Like with this blog I’m trying to help families have a faith that lasts. In this first round of episodes, I focused on what I believe is the number one way to have our children have a faith that lasts—help

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Last Days Danger to our Children

Parents, Popular Prophecy Teacher Tells Greatest Last Days Dangers to Our Children

Dangers to Our Children in the Last Days Have you thought about the dangers to our children in the last days? Currently on the Stand Firm Parents Podcast, Jake is sharing the Six Spiritual Prepper Steps, starting with the first “W” which stands for WARNING. We must share the warnings of turning away with our

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Use as directed

Parents, Remember It’s Best to Use as Directed

Alternative Usages I can’t speak for everyone, but I imagine we’ve all used something other than how it was intended. The other day my wife came home and asked what I was working on with the ratchet in bathroom. Of course, it was her passive-aggressive way of reminding me I had left it out. I

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Ultimate Parenting Goals

Parents, Start Here for the Ultimate Parenting Goals

One of the things I’ve mentioned a lot through Stand Firm Parents is that we need to consider our parenting goals and those goals should go beyond this world and age. Often, we’ve not articulated our goals for our kids. We can’t be intentional in our parenting if we don’t. Thinking through these goals is

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Warn Them

Parents, Warn Them

My kids shake their head and prepare for a sermon any time they’re headed out to do something or starting something new. It’s been going on since they were born. Sliding and swinging by themselves for the first few times, there were warnings about holding on and waiting until the person sliding before them got

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