Teach Our Kids to Stand

Parents, Teach Our Kids to Stand

Have you ever seen an adult hold a baby in a standing position? Wabbly legs, bent knees, toes barely touching the floor. Did you think, “That baby’s only 6 weeks old! What are you trying to do?” Why is it that as parents, we want to teach our kids to stand when they are way too young to support themselves? Or maybe I’m the only one who did that.

Most parents want their babies to reach all the milestones in the right order and at the right times. So, it is natural for us to encourage them to put some weight on their feet long before they’re able to stand unsupported.

Maybe you opened your newborn’s tightly clenched fingers to put a rattle in there, hoping they’d develop awareness. But I bet they smacked themselves in the face and cried. Right? What parent hasn’t propped up their two-month-old in a slumped over sitting position? Have you ever watched an eager parent trying to encourage their toddler to eat? We can do some pretty strange things in an attempt to teach our babies.

Good parenting involves providing the proper environment and opportunities for development. But do we put that much conscious effort into the spiritual development of our children? How do we teach them to become spiritually aware? When do we teach them to sit up and pay attention spiritually? Or what about feeding themselves spiritually? Before they can walk in the Spirit, we need to teach our kids to stand.

We need to teach our kids to stand up for the truth. If we daily introduce them to the truth of God’s Word and live out that truth in our homes, we are on the right path. Even if you didn’t start that when they were babies, begin now. When they hear us interject truth into difficult situations, they will follow our example one day.

Have you taught your kids to stand with those who are shunned? To stand with the lonely? Until you give them the example, they won’t learn this.

We need to teach our kids to stand tall and confident in Christ. This starts by letting them know who God made them. A beautiful little girl with a special purpose. Or an energetic boy who will serve God by serving others. We should teach them who the Bible says they are in Christ: loved, adopted into His family, redeemed, set apart, a royal priesthood. Then one day they will not be swayed by ridicule but will stand tall in their faith.

Parents, teach your children to stand against sin. Teach them right from wrong. Model how to say “No” to temptation and how to yield to the Spirit. Teach them to speak out against sin, even when society says that wrong is right, and right is wrong.

How about teaching your children to stand on God’s promises? Are you teaching them that God’s Word promises eternal life, the return of Jesus, peace when we fix our hearts on Him, and that all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose?

What about standing by? Do your kids know how to stand by their word? Do you stand by your commitments to them? Unless you consistently keep your word, they won’t stand by theirs.

Parents, standing spiritually is so important. Paul told the Colossian church that Epaphras always struggled for them in prayer. That they might stand mature and fully assured of God’s will. During the next few minutes, please stop and pray something like this for your kids.

For more thoughts about standing spiritually, check out Understanding Standing on the Stand Firm main blog.