raising Christian children

Five Actions that Help Children Stay Faithful

Parents, Five Actions that Help Children Stay Faithful

The 25% of Kids Who Stay One of the main statistics I share through Stand Firm Parents is that over 70% of children raised in church leave church and often the faith. It’s a stat I first ran across in 2001 from Lifeway Research and one that has remained high. This week I had a […]

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Parents, There’s a Real Magic Kingdom

Parents, There’s a Real Magic Kingdom I’m convinced one of the leading reasons to children raised in church and Christian homes leaving the faith is that we’ve not told them the ending of this age. We’ve presented Heaven and the age to come in a way that doesn’t even appeal to them, it’s just better

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The Age of the Earth

Parents, Four Tips for the Worldview Battle – The Age of the Earth

The Worldview Battle I love that the readers of our blog and listeners to our podcast, represent all sectors of education. We have parents whose kids are homeschooled, in public school, and in private school. My children go to public schools and my wife teaches there. Therefore, our kids are exposed to multiple worldviews. In

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There were children in the upper room

Parents, There Were Children in the Upper Room

The Upper Room The night before the arrest of Jesus, Jesus and His disciples gathered in the “Upper Room” to celebrate the Passover. Rarely is it remembered they were there to celebrate the Passover because the events of that night canonically live on. For in that upper room, Jesus had His last supper with His

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Keep up the insanity

Parents, Keep Up the Insanity

Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” In Christian parenting this insanity is occurring. Parents, keep up the insanity, but let’s tweak somethings within that insanity. Wait, what? Hang with me. Many Christian parents, like you, are trying hard to

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Start Again Today

Parents, Even If You’ve Failed, Start Again Today

Parents, Even If You Feel You’ve Failed, Start Again Today One of the hallmarks we hope to achieve with Stand Firm Parents is to be transparent and realistic. And in being transparent and real, we must admit the unfortunate reality which is that most all of us parents fail at times. I have. I do. I did

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Parents, Teach Your Children to Love the Lord Above All

Christian parents, we want our children to love the Lord, and to build a relationship with Him, because everything else in life hinges on that. Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38

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Make Christianity Big

Parents, Make Christianity Big

I don’t have a teenager, but here is the greatest advice in shepherding them to love and follow Jesus for life. Don’t worry the advice didn’t originate with me, but when I read it a few years ago my jaw dropped to the ground. I actually saw there was hope that a rebellious teen son

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Parents, Know the F.A.C.T.S. from Your Kids

Jake McCandlessExecutive Director of Stand Firm and lead pastor of Epic Church NWA in Springdale, AR and multiple award-winning author, Jake has a B.A. in Bible and Pastoral Studies from Central Baptist College, and an Advanced Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Former regular contributor to the Baptist Press and WND News with

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