Jake McCandless

Parents, Keep Fighting

Parents, Keep Fighting for Your Child’s Soul

If you’ve followed Stand Firm Parents even for a second, then you know I have two daughters. It’s our hope for them that not only would they come to know Jesus as their Savior, but that they’d hold on to Him for the rest of their lives. I’m sure you hope the same for your […]

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Rosh ain't Russia

Rosh Still Ain’t Russia, Neither is Magog

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article that was unfortunately timely. At that time Russia seemed staged to invade the Ukraine, but still it seemed unlikely we’d see an unprovoked invasion like has occurred. The purpose of the article was to jump ahead of what I believe is an incorrect interpretation of Ezekiel 38

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The Trajectory

It’s About the Trajectory Not the End Times

Through Stand Firm and my writing, I talk a lot about the end of the age, but it’s not so much about saying we’re at the end of the age. It’s about letting the end help us see the trajectory of the current and coming challenges to the faith. One of the major lessons I

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The American Church

Is the American Church Special?

I love our nation. I’m so thankful to have been born in the United States. I’m thankful for all the blessings we have been able to enjoy. I’m so thankful for the men and women who have and are defending our nation. Our nation has been used mightily for God in sending missionaries and resourcing

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Teaching your child the Bible

Parents, Teaching Your Child the Bible Isn’t Hard

You care and want to teach your child the Bible. You want them to know the truth but coming through is not so easy. It can be intimidating, but teaching your child the Bible isn’t hard as we make it. In college and seminary, while training for ministry, I initially thought I might be called

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Church Covid Test

The Church Needs a Covid Test

Church Life May Implode “Church life as we know it may implode,” from my book Spiritual Prepper released in 2017. That might be one way to describe church life during the covid19 initial outbreak and lockdowns. It may even be a way to describe church life and the expression of our faith now after the

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Three prophecies to guide you

Parents, Three Biblical Future Events to Guide You

Just go ahead and say it—I know you’re thinking it—we approach parenting in a weird way. It’s strange, we’re a prophecy and faith building ministry turned parent-support ministry. Yeap, it’s weird, but there are so many children raised in church, who have professed Christ but leave the church. We need to take a different approach.

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Make Christianity Big

Parents, Make Christianity Big

I don’t have a teenager, but here is the greatest advice in shepherding them to love and follow Jesus for life. Don’t worry the advice didn’t originate with me, but when I read it a few years ago my jaw dropped to the ground. I actually saw there was hope that a rebellious teen son

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Get caught

Parents, Get Caught

Now there are things we try to keep from our kids catching us doing— You know, like hiding Christmas presents or yawning when they are reading to us. What were you thinking? But I want to tell you an act your kids need to catch you doing—your Quiet Time. Getting caught doing your Quiet Time

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Three Things I’d Do If I Started Over

Parents, Three Things I’d Do If I Started Over

There’s no do-over with our kids. When the clock ticks midnight that day is forever lost. Fortunately, children are resilient to a point. You can get back on track. If you’ve failed, you can start anew. It’s not going to be easy, but any move in a better direction of parenting is worth it. Recently,

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