Lisa Gallington

Lisa Gallington has been studying the Word since she was 12 years old, with a special interest in end times prophecy. She has a passion for preparing the Church and everyone she comes in contact with for the return of Christ. She leads women's ministry at her church and teaches a Bible study, often connecting the studies to end times prophecies and prophetic headlines. She has authored several books including End Times Preppers Devotionals and the accompanying End Times Preppers Bible Study and Foundation of Faith: Hebrews 11.

Increase in Wickedness – End Times Headline

Recent Headlines about the Increase in Wickedness Is it only me, or does there seem to be a rapid increase in wickedness? I saw a headline the other day that  disturbed me: Satanic Temple’s ‘Weekend of Blasphemy’ Sells Out in Boston ( The “Witches Night” themed event was advertised as “a weekend of blasphemy and […]

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Recent Prophetic Headlines

Aliyah – a Sign of the Times

Aliyah is the Hebrew word for “going up”, specifically to Jerusalem. When a Jew from outside the land of Israel, moves to make their home in Israel, they are making Aliyah. There are dozens of verses in the Bible that foretell that in the last days, Jews from around the world will head back to

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Recent Prophetic Headlines

Recent Prophetic Headlines

Recent Prophetic Headlines Jake has been blogging about future headlines over the last several weeks. To mix things up, I decided to present some recent prophetic headlines. Reveal Steps Towards One World Religion Did you hear about Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice that were revealed on November 12th? The Pope organized this meeting of

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Understanding Standing

Understanding Standing

Understanding Standing Have you ever considered the many ways we use the word stand? Stand up, stand down, stand out, stand for, stand against, stand on…. With all these English meanings and uses of stand, how can we know what stand means in the Bible? My hope is that understanding standing will help us to

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Six End Times Instructions for Today

Six End Times Instructions for Today

Six End Times Instructions for Today You’re probably familiar with the Olivet Discourse. Peter, James, John and Andrew, privately asked Jesus about the signs of His return. Jesus replied with six very significant end of the world instructions that we need to heed today. But before I get into the instructions, note that the disciples

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Desire to Understand Bible Prophecy

Fascination with the End Times The end times has fascinated me since I was twelve years old. Beginning with the Thief in the Night movie series by Mark IV in the 1970’s, I viewed every end times themed film that I could find. Since there are thousands of Christian books, documentaries and movies about the end

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Spiritual Climate

Prophecies About the Spiritual Climate of the End Times

The Spiritual Climate of the End Times This post will wrap up our 6-part series on prophecies to be fulfilled before the Millennial reign of Christ. We’ve examined prophecies related to Israel, Earth, government, and society. If you missed them, please go back and read those blogs. Today we will look at prophecies related to

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