Spiritual Prepper

Warned for a Reason

I’ve been writing and speaking on the topic of standing firm for several years, many have been supportive, but as you can imagine I’ve faced pushback. You may have some pushback for me, but before you send that email, please hear me out. First, I completely agree with the criticism towards Stand Firm for the […]

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Our Faithfulness is Being Challenged

“Pastor, I used to go to your church but after my grandfather died, I quit.” “Pastor, I was really involved in church—I worked with the children. I always helped with Bible School, but after my divorce, I stopped. I still can’t understand why God allowed that to happen.” “Pastor, I attended church every week, but

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Our Faithfulness Matters

I believe we’re just happy to get to Heaven by the skin of our teeth (which we get there by far, far less than that on our part—it’s only through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross). Now we’re thankful we’ve been saved. We’re thankful we have eternal life. We’re happy to just get to go

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The wrath to come

It’s Not Wrong to Warn About the Future, the Bible Does

If I’m crazy or irrelevant for preaching about future challenges to the faith, then so is Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Ezra, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, John Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Jude, and even Jesus. They all warned of future challenges and

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Declaration of War II: Churches Are Not Prepared, I Want to Help

I know it’s a strong picture and title for a pastor to use. Especially, when he’s not talking about physically picking up arms, but rather fighting a war of ideas. I believe the strong language of this blog series and the force of the war imagery is necessary because this battle carries weighty resonating consequences.

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Declaration of War: People Are Leaving the Faith, I Want to Help

I’m declaring war against an epidemic in America. No more timidity. No more holding back. There is too much on the line. What is at stake is too important. If you follow Stand Firm Ministries or anything I’ve been up to the past couple of years, then you have heard my story. And I know, it’s yada,

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Shepherd, You Should’ve Been Ready for the Pandemic

I know I’m disobeying a meme I saw shared hundreds of times the past two weeks, I’m willing to pay the price of whatever curse was promised to follow. The well-traveled meme said to show pastors grace and not judge them during this pandemic because as it said, “Your pastor has never pastored a church through

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8 Realities American Churches Must Be Prepared to Face

If you have read any of my posts or books, or if you have heard me speak, then you have heard me say that as individuals and churches we need to be prepared. And you have heard me say that pastors need to prepare their congregations. So, the question then becomes—in what areas do we prepare? Good

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Shepherd, Does the WHOLE Bible Story Guide Your Church Leadership?

What part or books of the Bible do you believe most sermons today are derived from? What about your own sermons? I wish I had a scientific survey, but I don’t. But I do have the fact that I have heard a lot of preaching! And I believe it’s a safe bet to say that

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