
God Warns His People

A Biblical Principle In Scripture, we have multiple case studies of how God has dealt with His people throughout history and especially in uncertain times, one clear principle from those times is that God always warns His people.  Yes, God warns His people. This is seen over and over in history and recorded in Scripture. […]

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Be Prepared: Know Trials Are Normal

At Stand Firm, we recently changed our tagline. We’d been simply saying we encouraged believers to hold on, but we’ve shifted to now saying, we help believers navigate such a time as this. Implied in the navigating is that encouragement to hold on. When talking about navigating—different things may come to mind for each of

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Bible Prophecy Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated, Read It

So, I have this tagline for my Bible prophecy teaching ministry and it’s not very helpful. I advertise I want to be the boring prophecy guy. I know I need some marketing tips—you know anyone? And I learned really quick, prophecy-intrigued audiences don’t want the boring prophecy guy, they want the great-code-breaker or the wild

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The wrath to come

It’s Not Wrong to Warn About the Future, the Bible Does

If I’m crazy or irrelevant for preaching about future challenges to the faith, then so is Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Ezra, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, John Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Jude, and even Jesus. They all warned of future challenges and

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8 Realities American Churches Must Be Prepared to Face

If you have read any of my posts or books, or if you have heard me speak, then you have heard me say that as individuals and churches we need to be prepared. And you have heard me say that pastors need to prepare their congregations. So, the question then becomes—in what areas do we prepare? Good

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Shepherd, Does the WHOLE Bible Story Guide Your Church Leadership?

What part or books of the Bible do you believe most sermons today are derived from? What about your own sermons? I wish I had a scientific survey, but I don’t. But I do have the fact that I have heard a lot of preaching! And I believe it’s a safe bet to say that

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Shepherd, 15 Ideas to Be a Stand Firm Church

1. Host a Stand Firm Emphasis Sunday.  Yes, this is self-serving, but experience proves that ministries, issues, and doctrines that are set-aside to be remembered in an emphasis day or some other like event in our churches become important to the church. They become interwoven into the church’s DNA especially when that emphasis day becomes

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15 Ideas to Be a Stand Firm Church

1. Host a Stand Firm Emphasis Sunday.  Yes, this is self-serving, but experience proves that ministries, issues, and doctrines that are set-aside to be remembered in an emphasis day or some other like event in our churches become important to the church. They become interwoven into the church’s DNA especially when that emphasis day becomes

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