parenting help

Ultimate Parenting Goals

Parents, Start Here for the Ultimate Parenting Goals

One of the things I’ve mentioned a lot through Stand Firm Parents is that we need to consider our parenting goals and those goals should go beyond this world and age. Often, we’ve not articulated our goals for our kids. We can’t be intentional in our parenting if we don’t. Thinking through these goals is […]

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Parents, Know the F.A.C.T.S. from Your Kids

Want your kids to talk to you When my children are away from me whether it’s school, an activity, church, or with a friend—I want to know what they did. I doubt I’m alone. Am I? It’s not only because I’m a low-hovering helicopter parent (which I’m sure I am). I prefer to call it

Parents, Know the F.A.C.T.S. from Your Kids Read More »

Consider celebrating the biblical festivals

Parents, Consider Celebrating the Biblical Festivals

Parents, Consider Celebrating The Biblical Festivals Darren Huckey, Emet HaTorah   If your family is anything like ours, we are always looking for opportunities to connect our children to biblical values. When we learned that the biblical festivals weren’t just for the Jewish people it changed our world. Here are five reasons you should consider

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