Jake McCandless

the location of the antichrist's empire is Turkey

The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 5

Ample Evidence The evidence has been heard and it’s consistent. Shouldn’t that be what we expect from the Bible—consistency? From the Law, the Prophets, the Poets, and the New Testament the location of this final empire is the same. All Scriptural evidence points to modern-day Turkey and a revival of the former Ottoman Empire which […]

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The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire

The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 4

And then there was five In this series of articles, we’ve been “graphing” the location of the Antichrist’s empire. We have created three lists of modern nations that could be his chief headquarters: the neighbors of Israel, the nations that are north of Israel, and the nations of the former Assyrian empire. When these lists

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Parents, Know the F.A.C.T.S. from Your Kids

Want your kids to talk to you When my children are away from me whether it’s school, an activity, church, or with a friend—I want to know what they did. I doubt I’m alone. Am I? It’s not only because I’m a low-hovering helicopter parent (which I’m sure I am). I prefer to call it

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The Location of the Antichrist's Empire

The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 3

The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 3   Review of The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 1 In this series of articles, we’ve been zeroing in on the location of the Antichrist’s empire or coalition of nations he will lead. I hope you’ve been shocked by the amount of Biblical evidence

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Keep up the insanity

Parents, Keep Up the Insanity

Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” In Christian parenting this insanity is occurring. Parents, keep up the insanity, but let’s tweak somethings within that insanity. Wait, what? Hang with me. Many Christian parents, like you, are trying hard to

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The Location of the Antichrist's Empire

The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 2

Why We Should Know the Location of the Antichrist’s Empire Why does it matter to know the location of the empire or enlarged nation of the Antichrist? Well, I’m not the best to answer the intent of the Biblical content. I just know there are an overwhelming number of passages that pinpoint this final empire

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Let’s Learn from the Iranian Church

Parents, Let’s Learn from the Iranian Church

Contrast between America and Iran In America, a large percentage of our children and teens who grow up in church leave the faith by or after their high school graduation. But in Iran, children are coming to Christ even though they witness the public execution of Christians. Parents, let’s learn from Iranian Church. A few

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The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 1

The Location of the Antichrist’s Empire – Part 1 Bible Prophecy I think I’ve shared my reluctancy to be a “prophecy teacher”. I cringe when introduced at events as such because I just want to be a pastor seeking to rightly divide the whole counsel of God. Prophecy is a third of the Bible so

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Start Again Today

Parents, Even If You’ve Failed, Start Again Today

Parents, Even If You Feel You’ve Failed, Start Again Today One of the hallmarks we hope to achieve with Stand Firm Parents is to be transparent and realistic. And in being transparent and real, we must admit the unfortunate reality which is that most all of us parents fail at times. I have. I do. I did

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The Foundation of Bible Prophecy

The Foundation of Bible Prophecy

I’ve written several articles about Gog and Magog, and how a serious look of the prophecy in Ezekiel 38 and 39 shows it isn’t Russia nor this current war in Ukraine. Many articles, videos, podcasts, and sermons have said otherwise, and I believe sown seeds that will result in disillusionment once again when those warnings

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