For Pastors

Maybe It’s Not Apathy

Shepherd, Four Reasons Maybe It’s Not Apathy

The Baptist Press released the findings of Lifeway Research’s annual study on the greatest needs of pastors this week. This week’s article focused on one question from the survey which asked, “What is the primary people dynamics challenge pastors face in their churches?” Overwhelmingly there was a consensus—75% of pastors said the main people dynamic […]

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Shepherd, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble is Still to Come…

THE GOOD AND FAITHFUL – AND WISE – SERVANT All pastors, all Christians, should long to hear the words “well done” when we finally see Jesus. We may even imagine that this will automatically occur when he welcomes us into Heaven. But that’s not the context of these words of Jesus. He’s on Earth rewarding

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You already interpret and teach prophecy

Shepherd, You Already Interpret and Teach End Time Prophecy

You may feel like I’m not talking to you, but even if you don’t recall an end time sermon in your repertoire, you already interpret and teach end time prophecy. Let me prove it with the goal to bring down the walls that are associated with modern preaching and end time prophecy. I get introduced

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Bible Prophecy Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated, Read It

So, I have this tagline for my Bible prophecy teaching ministry and it’s not very helpful. I advertise I want to be the boring prophecy guy. I know I need some marketing tips—you know anyone? And I learned really quick, prophecy-intrigued audiences don’t want the boring prophecy guy, they want the great-code-breaker or the wild

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The wrath to come

It’s Not Wrong to Warn About the Future, the Bible Does

If I’m crazy or irrelevant for preaching about future challenges to the faith, then so is Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Ezra, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, John Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Jude, and even Jesus. They all warned of future challenges and

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Shepherd, Does the WHOLE Bible Story Guide Your Church Leadership?

What part or books of the Bible do you believe most sermons today are derived from? What about your own sermons? I wish I had a scientific survey, but I don’t. But I do have the fact that I have heard a lot of preaching! And I believe it’s a safe bet to say that

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