Six End Times Instructions for Today

Six End Times Instructions for Today

Six End Times Instructions for Today

You’re probably familiar with the Olivet Discourse. Peter, James, John and Andrew, privately asked Jesus about the signs of His return. Jesus replied with six very significant end of the world instructions that we need to heed today.

But before I get into the instructions, note that the disciples knew Jesus well enough that they felt comfortable asking Him about this mystery. Do you feel close enough to Jesus to ask Him private questions? The Holy Spirit lives in you to teach you and guide you into all truth! Before reading on, ask God to help you understand and apply the six end times instructions below.

Do not be deceived

The main point Jesus made about the signs of His second coming and the end of the age is that it will be occur at a time of great deception on the earth. We will not be deceived if we need to know and believe the Truth, who is Jesus. If we really know Jesus, we won’t be deceived by false Christs. If our faith is living and real to us, we won’t turn from it. By accepting the prophecy already given to us in the Bible as truth, we won’t be intrigued by false prophets. If we are accustomed to seeing God work in our lives by answering our prayers of faith, we won’t be deceived by false signs and miracles. We should search the truth in the Bible rather than from Bible teachers, websites and prepper shows. That way we will not be deceived.

Do not be alarmed

Consider the preppers that you know or have heard of. Are they easily alarmed? Often, they are conspiracy theorists who overly dramatize political and climatological events. When these things happen, Jesus said, “Do not be alarmed.” How do we keep from being alarmed when wars, rumors of war, earthquakes, famines and other cataclysmic natural disasters begin to happen all around us? “Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” If you have a biblical understanding of what is going to happen, those things won’t alarm you. Knowing that these things must happen assures us that God is in control. We have nothing to fear. We can remain calm by trusting God to bring the end of all this calamity at the right time.

Don’t fear persecution

We know that many Christ followers have already died at the hands of their persecutors. Islamic radicals kill Christians regularly in our world today. Believers in many Asian countries are imprisoned for their faith. In discussing end times, Jesus repeatedly warns that His followers will be persecuted and that many will die as martyrs. Because we haven’t personally faced persecution as Christians, we tend to fear it. But believers in the lands of persecution pray for us to be tested that we will be ready for the persecution they already endure. Part of being ready for the end times is resolving in our minds that suffering for Christ is a great honor. The blessings of martyrdom (see Rev 7:14-17) are well-worth the cost.

Don’t be sucked in

Just before Jesus returns, there will be many unusual and terrifying natural events. In Luke 21:11, Jesus said,

There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Maybe Jesus foretold today’s fascination with UFOs, aliens and zombies? Jesus said, “People will be terrified at what they see coming on the earth.” This indicates that the world will know something is going on, way out of the ordinary. But Jesus told us that when all these things begin to happen, we should stand and watch the skies for His return. So how do you respond when there is a terror attack, or a series of natural disasters? Do you get sucked into watching the media coverage for hours or days on end?  How would things be different if you chose to use that time praising God that our salvation is getting near?


Jesus told us to watch for the signs of the end times. He wants us to know when it is near. He warned us to be careful to not be tripped up by the activities or anxieties of this world which could cause us to be off guard. If you worry about the end times and how to survive them, you may be watching too much. Either extreme comes from a worldly focus. Instead of ignoring the signs or panicking about the signs, we must focus on Jesus. We must keep watch for His return, praying to escape all that is about to happen and that we will stand firm until the end. Life in this world is all we can see with our physical eyes, but there is an unseen world that we hope for, our spiritual home.

Be alert

After describing the signs of His Second Coming, in 20 additional verses He told His followers to be alert. Being alert requires watching for and reading the signs. Alertness means knowing that something is about to happen, even though you don’t know exactly when it will happen. Alertness means remaining focused even though social events and entertainment could distract. We need to be alert while we’re working; we must be ready all the time. Apply Jesus’ description about alertness to driving. If you’re alert, you read the signs and don’t miss your turn. Next, you drive defensively in case someone else makes an error. Finally, you keep yourself from distractions of electronic devices, and you stay awake the entire time you’re driving. Jesus warns us to live this life with a similar alertness so that we are ready for His return.

My prayer is that we will all follow these six end times instructions for today. That we will rely on the Bible and the Holy Spirit to navigate such a time as this.


Adapted from End Times Preppers, Week Two.