Red heifer found

Red Heifers Arrive in Tel Aviv

Fascinating development in Israel today. As the Temple Institute has made strides to prepare for a new Temple,  the most elusive element in this preparation has been finding a red heifer that “perfect in its redness”. They have stated, “G-d has ordained that its [the Red Heifer] ashes alone are the single missing ingredient for the reinstatement of Biblical purity – and thereafter, the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.” The search for such a heifer has intensified and they believe one has been found. Rumors of this possibility has spread, but today a HUGE STEP was made towards this missing ingredient as red heifers certified to be pure arrived by plane in Tel Aviv. The Temple Institute celebrated this as a major milestone. The heifers originated in Texas.

At Stand Firm we focus on helping you navigate through such a time as this. Rarely, do we jump on news like this, but in terms of the push for a new Temple and the restoration of the sacrifices, today may prove to a major development. And as the possibility of a new Temple rises so does the timing of the rise of the Antichrist.

Check out this video of the arrival of these red heifers here!