Our Faithfulness Matters

I believe we’re just happy to get to Heaven by the skin of our teeth (which we get there by far, far less than that on our part—it’s only through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross). Now we’re thankful we’ve been saved. We’re thankful we have eternal life. We’re happy to just get to go to Heaven, but I guarantee you when we see Jesus, and all believers will, we’ll have wanted to have entered into Heaven by more than that proverbial skin of our teeth—we’re going to wish we’d been faithful.

We’re happy to just get to go to Heaven, but I guarantee you when we see Jesus, and all believers will, we’ll have wanted to have entered into Heaven by more than that proverbial skin of our teeth—we’re going to wish we’d been… Share on X

We’re going to want to hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Another words our faithfulness to God matters.

By no means do I understand how this unfolds, but Jesus told parables about a master and king who went away and returned and on their return the servants had to give an account. In both the Parable of the Talents or the Parable of the Ten Minas, the master and king was pleased or angered by the report of his servants. For those who had kept the task and expanded the master or king’s portfolio, they heard, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

In 1 Corinthians 3, we see the deeds of the believer are judged. In 2 Corinthians 5, we read of the judgment seat of Christ. Throughout the New Testament we read of crowns awarded. Jesus spoke of rewards to come. He wasn’t just being witty when he said, “the first will be last and the last will be first.” In the Parable of the Ten Minas, Jesus indicates rewards being responsibility in His Kingdom.

There seems to be a very clear declaration of believers being judged by our faithfulness. There’s also great evidence of rewards for faithfulness.

I guarantee you that you will want to be found faithful when you see Jesus.

Our faithfulness to God will matter in the age to come.

The blessings of faithfulness aren’t only in the age to come, but they are experienced now.

In John 10:10 we read that Jesus gives life to the full. So not just eternal life, but a fullness of life now. If you’ve stepped out on faith and followed Jesus—you’ve experienced this life to the full!

Our faithfulness to God matters now.

Not only do we reap the rewards of a faithful life now, but others experience Jesus through the witness of our faithful life. Therefore, others may come to know Jesus and receive eternal life through our faithfulness.

Our faithfulness to God matters to others.

Our faithfulness to God matters.

Our faithfulness to God matters. Share on X