For Uncertain Times Book Release

New Book Release

In the middle of blogging about the details of the Antichrist rising and future prophetic headlines, I wanted to share about my new book that released this week, For Uncertain Times: 40 Truths of God’s Care in National Distress. I believe it’s important because through this new book, I share my research into every time when God’s people were in national trouble. We’re not the first to be in difficult times. I share how God interacted and took care of His people when they were in bondage in Egypt, invaded by Assyria, in captivity in Babylon, under Persian rule, and rebuilding their nation that laid in ruins. There’s so much we can learn to help us navigate our times now by what happened then.

The content makes me want to recommend this book to you, but even more so is the story of its release. I feel confident it’s been released, “for such a time as this.”

Let me tell you the story.

A God-Story

I’m not spontaneous when it comes to ministry and especially projects, but through Holy Spirit prompting mixed with frustration with the publishing world and our nation, I’m releasing this book that was written over two years ago.

The plans for this devotional book were made in 2018. Rita and I finished it in 2020 with plans to release Jan. 2021. We did a pre-order campaign and sold an early edition, but it caught the eyes of some publishers. So, with the hope of it having a greater reach we waited and waited.



This summer I considered releasing the book myself this fall but hadn’t worked on the final edits and reformatting.

The work that remained would take me weeks to prepare.


Navigational Help

Then last week several tweets frustrated me—I know that shouldn’t be surprising. I was frustrated that believers are turning to political fixes for this country rather than turning to God through the Word and the Spirit. I stewed throughout the week and then went on. Then Saturday morning during my devotional time, I was prompted I had written a book that leaned into Scripture and detailed what God’s people should do in national distress. A book that had remained buried in my computer files for two years.

I was prompted I had written a book that leaned into Scripture and detailed what God's people should do in national distress. A book that had remained buried in my computer files for two years. Share on X

In that prompting I was prompted to release the book on September 11th—typically this would be an impossible task, but everything came together smoother than anything has before.

So, I did a thing.

A spontaneous thing.

A Holy Spirit prompted thing.

It miraculously came together.

In the first week broke the top 100 best-selling devotionals on Amazon and made top ten new release!


I believe because this wasn’t done in my plan, this release will dwarf anything I’ve released before.

I’d bet on God over my ideas any time!

For the release I’m offering it at the bare minimum $0.99 for Kindle and $9.99 for paperback. Please get a copy!

Order here!

You might need to soon, I’m afraid the cover is going to get me in trouble!

And regardless of the price, could you really say no to my cute launch team member in the picture????

And regardless of the price, could you really say no to my cute launch team member in the picture???? Share on X