Mystery Babylon: End Times’ One-Two Punch

There’s an end times’ one-two punch—Mystery Babylon and the Beast Empire—and I can’t ignore this significant end of the age phenomenon any longer. For those who follow me and my work with Stand Firm, you know I’m all about simplifying the end times events to exactly what we must know to get the gist, as well as, focusing on what we can Scripturally be certain upon. I have hammered out a timeline that has been extremely impactful and that I haven’t had to update since 2017, but it’s going into the shop to be overhauled.


Secondary End Times Subjects

Mystery Babylon is one of the most talked about topics from the Book of Revelation. If I’m going to be asked a question, it’s going to be first about the mark of the beast. Then the rapture. Following those two subjects, the questions seem to be who are the two witnesses, what does 666 mean, who are the 144,000, and where is Mystery Babylon. These questions though fascinating can be skipped when wanting to know the flow of end times events. I’m not saying they’re not relevant, but solving their mystery isn’t necessary to capture the end time scenario. Well, at least I thought they could be all placed in the secondary pile, but I now believe Mystery Babylon might need to be refiled. Again, before you write me off, what I mean by the mark of the beast being secondary is that the important aspect is knowing that there will be some type of allegiance made to the Antichrist. We can know that with certainty. The actual make up of that identifying mark isn’t primary. I think the same could be said to some degree about Mystery Babylon. Her identity isn’t as important as us recognizing that she will exist. But I do believe that the existence of Mystery Babylon is far more vital to our understanding of the coming events than I once believed.

The existence of Mystery Babylon is far more vital to our understanding of the coming events than I once believed. Share on X


Beast Empire

I’ve worked hard focusing on the bottom-line end time evil empire of the Antichrist. This is the final empire represented in the feet of the Daniel 2 statue and the ten horns of the fourth beast in Daniel 7. It’s the 8th kingdom from Revelation 17.

Scripture clearly points to this being a Middle Eastern group of nations. The bottom-line basic understanding of the rise of this Mideast Beast is that the Antichrist and his empire will exist in power to some degree so that he could make the covenant with Israel foretold in Daniel 9. This will bring peace to Israel, but after three and half years the Antichrist will break that agreement and turn against Israel ushering in the time of Jacob’s Trouble which culminates in his defeat at the Battle of Armageddon. That’s the nutshell version of the rise and rule of the Antichrist. This is the ultimate end time political power, but in the end times events it’s the “two” of the “one-two punch”.

There’s another leading entity that grows to power first but is intertwined with the Antichrist’s Empire. In many ways it appears to be the vehicle in which this Middle Eastern power rides to become the world leader.


Mystery Babylon 

This initial world-power entity is what Scripture calls Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon is the “one” in the “one-two” punch.

The prophecy of this combination punch is in Revelation 17 and 18. There John the Apostle is given a vision of a prostitute riding a beast that resembles the beast from Daniel 7. This beast is identified as the final empire of the Antichrist. The prostitute is identified as Mystery Babylon a powerful entity that will have great power. It will bring wealth to many nations and merchants. It will also be responsible for the blood of many believers. For some time, Mystery Babylon and the Antichrist’s Empire is in tandem, but at some point as identified in Revelation 17:16-18 the Antichrist’s Empire turns against Mystery Babylon. The entity is destroyed. This destruction impacts the whole world. From the ashes of the fallen entity, the Antichrist’s empire rises to its absolute power. It’s from this point that the Antichrist begins his conquest.

Timing wise the fall of Mystery Babylon would have to be certainly before the midpoint of the final seven years. I would argue likely even happening before those final seven years. It could even be the catalyst for the covenant described in Daniel 9.

Depending on the location of Mystery Babylon, it may already exist or not. This entity may already has risen to some degree.

Notice I’m not trying to identify Mystery Babylon. Again, it’s identity is secondary to the need to know that there will be this one-two punch. Obviously, it’s not easy to identify beforehand since it’s referred to as a mystery. There’re tons of possibilities that have been proclaimed for the identity of Mystery Babylon.

Originally, I understood this entity to be “the world” in general. Then as I studied more, I began to see it talked about something more specific. Joel Richardson’s book Mystery Babylon does an incredible job laying out the arguments. I was greatly influenced by Joel’s book and think he has a great point as he identifies Mystery Babylon as Saudi Arabia especially Mecca. Others who support the view of Saudi Arabia look to the new coming city Neom. Yet, it’s hard not to see the United States in much of the biblical description. I was recently greatly impacted by Nelson Walter’s teaching on the subject as he pointed to the Mystery Babylon being a United Nations type entity.

I don’t have a full peace on any of these views completely and that’s ok because the identity is secondary. What I do have is a strong stirring about our need to realize there is going to be a one-two end times’ punch. First, Mystery Babylon and then the Antichrist’s Empire. Recognizing this will keep us more vigilant as we watch to remain faithful.

There is going to be a one-two end times’ punch. First, Mystery Babylon and then the Antichrist’s Empire. Recognizing this will keep us more vigilant as we watch to remain faithful. Share on X

2 thoughts on “Mystery Babylon: End Times’ One-Two Punch”

  1. I see your point about the identity being secondary. That being said, unless America becomes drunk on the blood of the saints and becomes known as the desert by the sea, I think it’s off the table as a possibility. I would have you reread Jeremiah 50-51 and then study how historical Babylon faded into history and if it met the prophecies in its destruction that are detailed there. I find it interesting to note that Saran Hussein had plans to rebuild Babylon, but it appears he was restrained from doing so. Is it because it wasn’t the right time?

    1. I definitely don’t think America is Mystery Babylon at least by its self, but I can see where it looks like i do! so true on the saints. Definitely read Jeremiah 50-51. The point I was aiming for is that regardless whatever the identity is, we need to realize it does or will exist! It would make lots of sense to be in exact location, but I don’t know if it has to be.

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