God Warns His People

A Biblical Principle

In Scripture, we have multiple case studies of how God has dealt with His people throughout history and especially in uncertain times, one clear principle from those times is that God always warns His people.  Yes, God warns His people. This is seen over and over in history and recorded in Scripture. Not only is it an obvious recurring principle, but it’s a declaration God makes through the prophet Amos.

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. – Amos 3:7

We find in the Old Testament that God warned His people over and over again. The warnings started hundreds of years before the event and continued all the way up until the event happened.

Warnings of an exile like that on behalf of the Babylonians are found in the Old Testament law—given a thousand years before the actual event. Isaiah would sound the same warning a hundred and fifty years before, while Jeremiah and Ezekiel  warned as the invasion occurred.

God warns His people; therefore, we should be watching for His warnings.


God always warns His people. Share on X God warns His people; therefore, we should be watching for His warnings. Share on X


Principle Continues

An objection of this Biblical principle might be raised that this was in the past—this was before the New Testament. It was, but Scripture doesn’t seem to depart from this principle.

For one in the list of Spiritual gifts within the church body is prophecy. Scripture seems to indicate the use of prophets is God’s M.O. It’s how He rolls.

Yet, the objection to the warning-principle comes from those who hold to a cessation position. This position is that some or even all the spiritual gifts have ceased. This is drawn from 1 Corinthians 13:10 which talks about these gifts ceasing when the “perfect” comes. Under the cessation view the perfect is interpreted (speculated) to be the full canon of Scripture.

Now the speculation that the “perfect” would refer to the completed canon is extremely subjective, and I believe very shaky ground for such a major doctrinal decision. Yet, the debate over does the gift of prophecy cease or continue is unnecessary. It can be sidestepped entirely because as believers we have Holy Spirit indwelling us. And one of the roles of Holy Spirit is that He guides us. Scripture even goes as far as saying that He guides us into all things yet to come.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.John 16:13

 Did you catch that?

Jesus said that Holy Spirit would tell us what is yet to come—He’s going to warn us!

God still warns His people!

I believe the cessation argument falls flat Biblically and is poor hermeneutics, therefore God still speaks through human agents to warn today as He did in the Old Testament, but regardless Holy Spirit warns us.

Unfortunately, cessationism is growing in vogue with those who do hold Scripture in high regard, as abuses over spiritual gifts continue. The solution to the prophetic abuses isn’t to throw it out, but to Biblically discuss how warning messages should be filtered.

Jesus said that Holy Spirit would tell us what is yet to come—He’s going to warn us! Share on X


Principle Expresses

Therefore, if God always warns His people, both now and in the past—what is He saying to us today? Or even more importantly, what has He been saying? Again, this is difficult because there are so many wild things stated out there, but somewhere amid all the muck are genuine warnings.

We need to learn to Biblically filter them, but first we need to conclude that such warnings exist and will be coming.

How much better off would God’s people have been in the past if they at least were aware true warnings would be coming their way?

Let’s do that.

Let’s come to a realization that God warns His people. It’s how He rolls. Therefore, God has warned us, is warning us, and will warn us up until the final seconds.

God warns His people.

God warns His people. Share on X