Cultural Prophecies

Cultural Prophecies that Signal the Return of Christ

Cultural Prophecies that Signal the Return of Christ

As we have seen over the last four weeks, the Bible includes many prophecies to be fulfilled before the Millennial reign of Jesus. First, we looked at prophecies related to Israel. Next, we looked at the geological and astronomical prophecies. Last week, we investigated the political signs of the end of the world. This posting will turn to the cultural prophecies given in the Bible. What will the world be like socially at the end of the age?

1. Lawlessness

In Matthew 24:12, describing the End Times for His disciples, Jesus said, “Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” Lawlessness is a deep hostility to authority, especially God’s authority. This attitude of rebellion and self-rule is prevalent today. I believe that it is a precursor to the antichrist.

Daniel described this this man of lawlessness throughout chapters 7-12 of his book: “He shall speak words against the Most High” (7:25). In Daniel 8:23, it says that this evil ruler will come on the scene “when the transgressors have reached their limit.” In 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, Paul describes the antichrist as “the man of lawlessness”. He will oppose authority and will exalt himself and proclaim that he is God. The antichrist will stir up lawlessness in the world through power and deception.

Notice that people fall into his deception because they will refuse to love the truth. Modern relativism denies the reality of absolute truth. If there is no truth, then there is no authority, and the result is self-rule. This is exactly what we are seeing in world culture today.

As we observe the increase in wickedness, our hearts are sickened. But, knowing that God foretold all this, we can determine to submit to His authority.

2. Broken Families

One sad thing we should expect as a result of the increase in lawlessness, is that the love of many will grow cold. See Matthew 24:12 above. In that verse, agape is the word for love. Agape love is the kind of love that we learn from God. It is the love Christians have. This seems to indicate that Christians will grow cold towards one another. Yes, even Christian families are broken.

In Mark 13:12, He put it this way:

“And brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death.”

In 2 Timothy 3:3, Paul says that in the last days people will be without natural affection. Natural affection is the kind of love that is natural in blood relationships. Family love is already falling apart all around us. We see it in headlines of mothers killing their children, or children shooting their grandmothers.

3. Changed Beliefs About the Truths of Scripture

One of the other cultural prophecies is found in 2 Peter 3:3-7. In these verses we learn that in the last days, people will mock the idea of Jesus returning. They will deliberately forget that God created the world and destroyed it with a flood. Interestingly, Peter tells us the reason for their mocking – they follow their own sinful desires.

The belief in evolution, denial of Jesus as God in the flesh, and refusal to believe in His coming, all flow from the lawlessness and denial of truth in the world today. Jesus told about a wicked servant who began to doubt if Jesus would come. He ended up being cut into pieces and thrown into hell. Let’s commit to hold firmly to the truths of Scripture. Even if we’re ridiculed for believing in Creation, the Flood, and the Second Coming. Stand firm!

4. Deception/Delusion

Many of these cultural prophecies are consequences of end times deception. Jesus and the New Testament authors warn us repeatedly to watch out that we aren’t deceived. Look at Matthew 24:5 & 11:

For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray…. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.

Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no one deceive you in any way.” A few verses later, he said that the antichrist will use wicked deception on those who refuse to love the truth. Then God will send them a powerful delusion. Sometimes I think this must be what is wrong with people today. I mean, how can anyone reason that getting rid of the police will solve crime problems?

We protect ourselves from end times deception by loving the truth. Do all you can to increase your love for the Bible and for Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life.