Fred London

Fred London has been a Jewish believer in Jesus since 1971 and is the son of a Holocaust survivor. He is a writer, Bible teacher, speaker and an administrator of a Facebook page, entitled, The Biblical Watchman. Although he has taught and written on a variety of Biblical subjects and continues to do so he has had an ever-increasing sense of urgency in light of the times in which we live. His wife is also a long time Jewish believer in Jesus and the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. They reside in East Tennessee. Fred may be contacted at His Facebook page, The Biblical Watchman, is

Lovers of Israel

The Church’s Calling to Israel in the Last Days

The True Lover of Israel Dan. 11:33, 12:3, 10 speaks of the last days when there will be “those with insight,” whom God had been preparing behind the scenes for many years and will suddenly emerge at the appointed time “to give understanding to the many.” And, if that appointed time is not within their […]

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The American Doctrine

The American Doctrine

The Persecuted Church If you want to know what the future will look like for the Church in America, look to China. While they have their millions in “State Approved” institutional churches, they have their tens of millions in unauthorized house churches. In China countless Christians have to endure the consequences of their convictions. This

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A City Without Walls

A Church Without Walls?

Jerusalem Without Walls When Nehemiah heard that the walls had been broken down and the gates had been burned in Jerusalem, he wept and mourned. Why such a grievous reaction? It wasn’t the inner city or The Temple itself, so why such grief? Nehemiah could see the bigger picture and the far-reaching implications. The walls

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